Jul i januar....


Da var det tid for å vise frem tre julekort/andre julerelaterte ting som jeg har sendt til Hjertebodens juleblogg. Månedens utfordring var å ikke lage firkanta kort. Den første her er en julestrømpe som er en lomme under toppen, slik at den passer til et gavekort eller til å putte penger i.
Denne har jeg også valgt å sende til Winter Wonderland med utfordringen Let's Go Shopping.

Time to show my Christmas Card for January for the challenge Hjertebodens juleblogg. This month challenge was no square cards. The first card is a Christmas stocking and under the top it is a pocket with room for a gift card or money. I have also submitted this to the challenge Lets Go Shopping at Winter Wonderland

The next card I cut from my Cricut machine. Actually I thought it was a heart, but as you can see it was not a heart when I folded it. Here I have used one of my 3D motive again, I have SO many of them!! This one was pre-cut, which I like! Most of the 3D motives I have are not pre-cut, and of course very detailed...Anyway, here is the second card

And now I just realized I forgot the little bling in the middle og the flower....I have to put in on later. There will not be a new picture! LOL.
So, to my third creation, which is not a card, but something I made to use as a place card, with a little chocolate in it, I love chocolate!!
I have use my Circut machine (Elegant Edges)  for the frame dies, and the letter I have used one of the cartridges that was pre-installed in my Cricut Expresssion 2 machine when I bought it. I love those letters! The frame I had trouble with cutting all the very small lines, I don't know why...

Thank you for all the nice comments on my cards :). I appreciate it a lot!


Let your dreams take flight.....

Hei igjen!
Da er jeg tilbake med det siste kortet i forrige ukes utfordring på 365 cards. Det var akkurat så jeg rakk det! Burde selvfølgelig ha begynt tidligere. Dette hadde jeg ingen idè om hvordan skulle bli, så det ble et kort som ble til underveis i dag.

Thank you for all the nice comments left on my previous posts. I really appreciate it a lot :).
I am back with the last card I have made for the challenge in 365 cards. As I said yesterday, I had no idea what this card would be like, I just had the paisley paper and the girl I had colored with my copic markers.
I will patricipate in the following challenges with this card:
365 cards - Day 313 Pretty Pairs Paisley and Yellow
wild orchid challenge - week 40 Anything Goes

That's all I had for now, will try to be back soon with my January Christmas cards :)
See you soon!


Nye kort....

Hei igjen!

Da har jeg laget noen flere kort til konkurransen i 365 Cards utfordringene. Det ble veldig hektisk...men jeg tror jeg skal komme i mål. Mangler nå ett kort, som jeg må lage i morgen tidlig. Har funnet fram papir og motiv, men har faktisk, for første gang av disse 7 kortene jeg skulle lage, ingen idè om hvordan det skal se ut.. Jaja, vi får se hvilke idèer som kommer i løpet av kvelden/natta/morgentimene :).

I have made some more cards for the challenge in 365 Cards. It has been kind of stressful to make so many cards in so short time, but I think I will make it. I have one last card to make, which I will do tomorrow morning. I have found the paper and an image I have colored with my copics that I want to use, but I have no idea how I want the cards to be....
All the others I have had an idea of how I want it to look as soon as I have seen the challenge. Well, we'll see if I get any ideas during the night/morning...

Here is the first card. The red color is not really "me", so it was difficult. I am not proud of this card, in my head it would have looked so much better in baby pink or baby blue :).
With this card I will participate in the following challenges:
picturea nd scrap - utfordring #23 Baby
365 cards - Day 310 - Pretty Pairs Gingham Pattern and Red

Next card is an envelope card. It's a little different from all the "normal" square I make most of.
For the inside I have made a card to write a message. It's also possible to put money or giftcard in the envelope. With this card I will participate in the challenge 365 cards - Day 311 - Pretty Pairs Damask and Pink. The damask pattern can be difficult to see on the front of the envelope, but you can see it better on the back side.

Next is my last card for today. I have used a lady in 3D. I have so many of 3D women, I have made a few, and I have more to come of them! It's a lot of very tiny cutting to make for them, so I am happy when it's done. When I buy 3D motivs now, I only buy those who are pre-cut ;)
With this card I will patricipate in the following challenges:

That's all I had so far, see you again tomorrow with my last card in the competition!
Have a great new week!


Godt nyttår!

Da var vi plutselig en uke inn i det nye året med nye muligheter og HÅP! Godt nytt år alle sammen!
På fredag var jeg inne på utfordringsbloggen 365 Cards, og fikk så lyst til å prøve noen av utfordringene.
Her er resultatet:

Happy New Year!
We're already a week into 2012 with new possibilities and HOPE!
Friday I looked into the blog 365 Cards and got so many ideas for cards, so I started at once!
Here is the result

This first card I will submit to the following challenges:

The next card is a suitcase card with a bag inside with two pockets. One pocet for the card and one to put money or a giftcard in. I will submit this card to the following challenges:

The last card for tonight I will submit to the following challenges:

That's all I have to show for tonight. I have made one more, but I must have forgotten to take pictures of it, so I will have to do that tomorrow. I am working on one more plus I have the idea for another, so hopefully I will have more to show tomorrow :).
I hope everyone enjoy the weekend!
See you soon!
